A thank you note
Afternoon rush hour speeds haven’t changed much but the worst traffic may be ending sooner. Afternoon rush hour speeds on the… [Read more]Health

Learning lessons in healthcare
For years, teachers at Sun Valley Middle School used a 1.8-acre dirt expanse on campus to teach students the finer points of horticulture. But… [Read more]Arts & Culture

Framing the future of L.A. art
It’s been dubbed L.A.’s living room, and the coming transformation of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art promises that, artistically speaking,…[Read more]

Progress is in the bag at the beach
A wedding gown, a polar bear suit, even a fake human skull — volunteers have turned up all sorts of discarded items on Coastal Cleanup Day… [Read more]Public Safety

D.A. sees new day for mentally ill
When Jackie Lacey won election as district attorney in 2012, no one expected the county’s chief prosecutor to become a crusader for taking… [Read more]More Top Stories
Social Services: Helping homeless families heal
Coasts & Mountains : A tribute big as the Ponderosa
Transportation: Valley-Westside express bus is a go
Justice and the Courts : Hall of Justice: stately ruin no more
Communities: L.A. County’s animal magnetism
The Insider

Democracy gets a facelift
Envisioning a future that would make the founding fathers proud, Los Angeles County is investing $13.6 million to revolutionize its voting system and possibly set the standard for the rest of the country,... [Read more]
Around the Third District
With more than 2 million constituents, the Third District is the most economically, ethnically and geographically diverse of Los Angeles County’s five electoral districts. It spans eastward from the Pacific, across the Santa Monica Mountains and into Los Angeles’ Westside, San Fernando Valley and parts of Hollywood. Zev has represented the district since 1994.

Follow Zev
More News
- Spotlight Story: Making tracks for a better future
- Arts & Culture: Framing the future of L.A. art
- Economy: We’re back in the black
- Environment: Progress is in the bag at the beach
- Health: Learning lessons in healthcare
- Public Safety: D.A. sees new day for mentally ill
- Social Services: Helping homeless families heal
- Transportation: Valley-Westside express bus is a go
- The Insider: Democracy gets a facelift
The 405 Report

405 speeds little changed
Afternoon rush hour speeds haven’t changed much but the worst traffic may be ending sooner. Afternoon rush hour speeds on the…

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