Zev's blog

Hunger fight goes on the road

Hunger fight goes on the road

Hunger, like homelessness, remains a national shame and an incredible stain on the richest society on earth.  It seems inconceivable, but it is an indisputable…
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Soaring over the Santa Monicas

Soaring over the Santa Monicas

Those of you who have followed my blog and website know that I have a passionate love for and dedication to the Santa Monica Mountains….
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Golden voice, golden man

Golden voice, golden man

For our Boys of Summer—the fading L.A. Dodgers—it’s almost time to sadly invoke that old bromide, “Wait ‘till next year.” But for our Voice of…
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Why Project 50 saves lives

Why Project 50 saves lives

If you want to solve homelessness in Los Angeles, you have to start on Skid Row. I heard that observation voiced by a participant at…
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If we build it, they will board

If we build it, they will board

For decades, the conventional wisdom was that L.A. drivers would never loosen their grip on their steering wheels to embrace public transportation, no matter how…
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John Wooden remembered

John Wooden remembered

I consider it one of the greatest privileges of my life that, over the years, I was able to share quality time with UCLA Coach…
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Maestro on a mission

Maestro on a mission

A few years ago, a former LAPD commander I knew from my days on the City Council wrote me an interesting letter. It wasn’t about…
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Spill, baby, spill

Spill, baby, spill

If you’re of a certain age, like me, you can still remember the horrifying scenes that unfolded for weeks along the Santa Barbara shoreline—the oil-drenched…
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Hope on the streets of Hollywood

Hope on the streets of Hollywood

My alarm went off at 3:00 a.m., rousing me from bed for a trip to Hollywood to participate in a new count of homeless people—one…
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