A hike for oak-lovers

May 5, 2011 

There may no longer be a village smithy under a spreading chestnut tree, but we still have our mighty oaks. Cherished for their beauty, and nowhere more important than here in California, these magnificent trees are the stuff of legend—and an integral part of our fragile ecosystem.

On Saturday, May 7, you’ll have an opportunity to meet some of these arboreal giants.

Beginning at 5 pm, the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy will host an evening nature walk, starting at the Victory Boulevard entrance trailhead in the Upper Las Virgenes Canyon Open Space Preserve. The moderate two-hour, 1.5 mile hike is free but parking costs $3. Wear sturdy shoes, don’t leave the trail, and remember your water, flashlight and jacket.

The Upper Las Virgenes Canyon Open Space Preserve (formerly the Ahmanson Ranch) is located at the northern end of Las Virgenes Canyon Road in the City of Calabasas north of US-101 and West of Valley Circle; the website provides directions and full details.

 Posted 5/5/11

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