Janis, Jimi and Jim…a Strange Kozmic Experience

April 29, 2010 

strangecosmicexperienceSomebody once said (we forget who) that if you remember the ‘60s, you weren’t there. So why not trip on over to The Grammy Museum in downtown’s L.A. Live entertainment complex and revisit that Strange Kozmic Experience through the Museum’s third major special exhibit, dedicated to artifacts, posters, photos and writings from three of the most influential artists of the era: Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morrison of the Doors. All three died at the age of 27—Joplin and Hendrix of drug-related causes within a month of each other in the fall of 1970, and Morrison the following July of a heart attack after years of heavy drinking. But as a recent documentary on Morrison and the Doors noted, you can’t burn out if you were never on fire—and for many, the 1960s still represent a decade of unmatched social ferment, social experimentation, artistic creativity and political activism. Check out the scene and catch a glimpse of what it was all about—or better yet, gather your friends and call the Grammy Museum’s Group Sales Department at (213) 765-6800 (ext. 3) or submit your group tour request online. Regular Museum hours are Sunday – Friday 11:30 a.m.- 7:30 p.m., and Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.. It’s located on the corner of Olympic and Figueroa St. on the L.A. Live campus.

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