Pay your fines with peanut butter

April 5, 2012 

Donations welcome in Beverly Hills.

Feeding the hungry isn’t just the right thing to do; it’s also a smart way for bookworms to pay off their late fees at the Beverly Hills Public Library during “Food for Fines Week.” From April 9 through April 14, past-due fines will be reduced or eliminated for library members who bring items for donation to the Westside Food Bank.

The library borrowed the idea of combining fine forgiveness with a food drive three years ago from programs in other cities and states. Each year the Beverly Hills event brings in several large barrels of food for distribution to the homeless, low-income families and others in need.

“People have really taken to the idea of getting a little off their account while helping others,” said Karen Buth, library services manager.

The library will accept most non-perishable foods. Healthy options are encouraged, but food in glass jars should be left at home (except for baby food). Up to five dollars is deducted from the member’s outstanding balance for each item donated. Additionally, children 18 and under can simply show up, even without canned goods, and have their fines waived at check out. The promotion does not apply to fines for lost/damaged items or accounts that have gone to the library’s collection agency.

What if you’re the kind of library patron who’d never dream of returning a book late? No problem; your canned goods donation is welcome, too.

The Beverly Hills Public Library is located at 444 North Rexford Drive, and is open Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday from noon to 5 p.m.

Posted 4/5/12

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