Getty takes a trip to Paris

April 28, 2011 

Dickens’ famous opening to A Tale of Two Cities—“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times”—describes the vast wealth disparity in pre-revolution France. If you’d like to check out “the best of times” side of the equation, visit the Getty Center as it presents the opulent lives of France’s mid-18th century elites in “Paris: Life & Luxury.” 

The exhibit, on international loan to the Getty, showcases objects that were part of a typical day in the life of the bourgeoisie—furniture, fashion, instruments, books, paintings, sculptures, and more. Parisian craftsmanship during this period is considered masterful but unfamiliar, obscured by the violent revolution that followed. 

The Getty Center will host a series of free events related to the exhibit. Seats at the lecture and cabaret performance this Saturday have already filled, but more lectures, dance, and film focused on animating the culture of the period are planned for the coming months. 

The exhibit lasts from April 26 to August 7. Admission to the museum is free; although there is a $15-per-car parking charge (motorcycles and bikes park for free). Hours and directions are available on the website. 

Posted 4/28/11

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