Board considers needle-sharing plan

March 4, 2010 

needle280On Tuesday, the Board will take up a proposed pilot $500,000 needle-exchange program, funded by tobacco-settlement monies, aimed at reducing the spread of HIV/AIDS, hepatitis and other blood-borne diseases among injection-drug users in the San Fernando Valley and other portions of the County of Los Angeles.

The program calls for contracting with private non-profit agencies Asian American Drug Abuse Program, Inc., Bienestar Human Services, Inc., Common Ground The Westside HIV Community Center, Public Health Foundation Enterprises Inc. and Tarzana Treatment Centers for outreach, education and needle-exchange services in specified locations.

County public health officials will assess the program’s effectiveness before considering extending and expanding its operation. Needle-exchange programs are not without controversy, with opponents arguing that they condone and even promote drug use. Health advocates point to extensive data showing that needle exchanges don’t increase existing drug use, but they can substantially reduce collateral infections and disease between needle-sharing injection-drug users and their partners and children.

Posted 3/4/10

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