Crunching L.A. County voter stats [updated]

October 19, 2010 

Things change: The last time Los Angeles County went to the polls for a gubernatorial general election, Bernie Madoff was a respected investment advisor, no one had ever heard of an iPhone and Saddam Hussein was still alive.

Electorates change, too. Voter registration closed last week in California for the November 2 election, and the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk has now finalized the tally. The agency, in collaboration with the DMV and a number of city clerks and community organizations, had stayed open until midnight at more than a dozen locations to accommodate more than 17,000 last-minute registrations. As the updated chart below shows, more than a half-million new voters have registered in L.A. County since the 2006 election.

Democrats have the biggest share of new registrations, with the numbers of Republicans remaining largely flat. Also, note the growth in the “decline-to-state” category, which is consistent with national and statewide trends.

As for the 3rd Supervisorial District (and the other four), here are the most recent registration tallies, which soon will be updated. Scroll down to the Los Angeles County heading to see the preferences locally.

Posted 10/19/10

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