Proposed county budget to be unveiled

April 15, 2010 

Los Angeles County Chief Executive Officer William T Fujioka will unveil the proposed county budget for fiscal year 2010-2011 at a press roll-out Monday morning, April 19, at the Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration. The detailed budget documents will be made available Monday on-line at 8 a.m. at Previous county budget documents are available here, including for the current fiscal year’s $23.6 billion spending plan.

The coming year’s proposed budget has been scheduled for consideration the following day at the Board’s weekly meeting. This action begins the formal budget adoption process, which continues with public hearings and testimony on May 12, followed by the Board’s own deliberations on June 7, which will incorporate the supervisors’ various changes to the initial spending plan.

But that still won’t be the end of the process. That won’t happen until September, when the county gets a final handle on how much money flowed into the county at the close of this fiscal year from state and federal funds and other tax and revenue collections.

Posted 4-15-10

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