Another chance to make sure bikes count

May 11, 2010 

Cyclists, your time has come. People who leave their cars at home and bicycle to the train station for the daily commute are in the Metro spotlight.bikes

Over the next three weeks, the transit agency will be surveying and counting bicycle usage among rail passengers at 20 stations–those who park their bikes as well as those who bring their bikes onboard.

The effort started today. The names of the stations are not being released in advance in order to preserve the study’s integrity. But if you’re a bike commuter, don’t pass up this chance to roll up and be counted.

Results of the survey, to be conducted by the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition, will be used by a team of Metro consultants to “estimate the amount of greenhouse gases saved by bicyclists using Metro rail lines instead of driving.”

Results of another bicycle survey conducted among Orange Line riders earlier this year are being tabulated and will be released soon.

Posted 5/11/10

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