Movie magic, Metro-style

September 2, 2010 

Don’t look now, but a miniature multiplex has set up shop in your computer. It’s got something for everybody: romantic comedy, travel/adventure, coming of age, urban documentary. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you might even forget about YouTube for a few minutes. Because these are micro-movies with a mission. The shorts, none longer than 2 minutes, are the finalists in the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s Transit Flicks Video Contest. Each was selected for “originality, believability and how well they convince others to try transit.” Now it’s your turn to pick the best of the lot. Watch the movies and cast your ballot here before midnight on Tuesday, Sept. 7.

The grand prize winner gets a free EZ pass for a year…and, who knows, maybe a shot at Tinseltown immortality. Or at least bragging rights on the morning Metro Rail commute.

Posted 9/02/10

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