Yaroslavsky announces grant awards
for trail lands acquisition

February 24, 2009 

Board of Supervisors Chairman Zev Yaroslavsky has announced approval of $2.32 million in grant funding to help purchase six parcels of prime open space in the Santa Monica Mountains to expand the County’s hiking and equestrian trail system. The money comes from competitive grant awards under the Natural Land for Trails program funded through Proposition A, a park and open-space measure championed by Yaroslavsky and approved by County voters in 1996.

The projects, funded by a combination of sources, include: Lindero Creek, an Agoura Hills city park; the Upper Topanga Canyon Trail Connection, between Summit to Summit at Henry Ridge Motorway; Cold Creek Trail, in the Cold Creek Preserve Area; Cold Creek High Trail, part of the remaining 145 acres identified for open space and trail acquisition in the planned 520-acre Cold Creek Restoration Plan; Upper Solstice Canyon – Solstice Canyon Trail, considered a “critical acquisition” in the Upper Solstice Canyon; and Corral Canyon, toward the purchase of a parcel adjacent to Malibu Creek State Park, surrounded on three sides by public parkland.

See press release for further details on these grants; visit SD3 photo gallery to see other Third District Prop. A-funded parks and recreation projects; or Regional Park and Open Space District to learn more about the County’s programs to preserve and protect open space and improve neighborhood parks.

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